The fourth general assembly of the iToBoS project
The iToBoS project aims to create an intelligent 3D scan to enable early detection of melanoma. This project brings together many institutional and organizational partners. There are 19 partners working together for iToBoS across Europe. The project will last four years and started on April 1st 2021. In order to make this project possible, 12 million euros have been allocated to all partners. This grant was issued by the European Commission. Indeed, iToBoS won one of the 5 places of the Horizon prize, among 150 participants.
NVIDIA, our newest sponsor
Technologies are evolving exponentially and the digital field is very competitive. Mastering the latest knowledge in this field is our priority. Ensuring quality support requires us to perfect our skills. It is necessary to ensure that our know-how is continuously aligned with the digital news. We would like to thank NVIDIA for their sponsorship.